Prime Tactical Solutions, Inc
    Prime Tactical Solutions, Inc

Prime Tactical Solutions, Inc. (PriTac) is a proven leader in the field of Tactical Data Link (TDL) Interoperability possessing extensive experience with the integration of multi-service, Joint, and Allied platforms.  PriTac has a solid reputation in establishing laboratory environments that are effective in conducting controlled tests to evaluate and verify platform TDL implementation of Military TDL Standard.  This extensive knowledge extends to live field operations and PriTac has established the reputation for effectively evaluating platform interoperability in tactical scenarios, and a unique capability to isolate interoperability problems.


PriTac has in depth knowledge in the creation and maintenance of the Single Integrated Air Picture (SIAP) and Common Tactical Picture (CTP) in a multi-platform environment with dissimilar systems.  With a deep understanding of the concept of a SIAP, PriTac is well versed in defining Joint Track Management (JTM) protocols for various types of new or established Area of Responsibilities (AORs).


PriTac has over 25 years of experience in the Test and Evaluation (T&E) of major tactical systems, and has been an active participant in numerous Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) efforts. PriTac has the valuable experience necessary to provide a trusted level of Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V).


PriTac maintains a strong insight and deep understanding into all areas of the Tactical Digital Information Links (TADILs) arena, PriTac has an especially strong background in the test, analysis, and evaluation of Combat Identification (CID) scenarios, Digital Air Control (DAC), Track Management and Reporting Responsibility (R2) rules, TADIL network development, and multi-TADIL operations including Data Forwarding.


Prime Tactical Solutions, Inc. (PriTac) has a long history of supporting U.S. Government (USG) test agencies and related defense contractors in achieving standardized tactical communication between TADIL equipped platforms.


PriTac is recognized for its contribution in the system integration and test of major USG operational systems, TDL simulation systems, and TDL concepts in Foreign Military applications.  PriTac’s recognition extends into the operational test conduct of Joint Service and Allied interoperability.


Prime Tactical Solutions, Inc. is headquartered in Lewisville Texas and is a privately held Small Business.

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